Hi, i will describe the issue hoping to find an answer because I'm about to go crazy, I have a DL180 G6 with 1 proc. 2 DIMMS on position A2 B4 like it says on the manual, a month ago a fan failed resulting in shutdown, I replaced the fan and the server boot up normally, we had a power outage on the weekend and today I found it powered on with the fans at full speed and no post messages, no video at all, here is what a tried so far:
1.- Swapped the Memories
2.- Reset RTC, CMOS, Pulled the Bios Battery
3.- Disassembled the server to the bare minimum.
4.- Detached the processor, replaced the silicon on the heatsink
5.- Put it back together
6.- Ensured every cable to be in the right place
All the leds are green, BMC led is Blinking, but I still can figure what seems to be failing, I suspect bios corruption but I wasn't updating anything, it is just like it came from the seller, server is a year old at least.
I don't care about the data, it was running non essential software that was backed before the outage, any ideas are welcome.