Re: ML 370 G4 ProLiant boots into Diagnostic Utility and keyboard not responding
Apparently in this case flashing the BIOS has worked for a G5, but not on my...
View ArticleBrand new DL380 G7 fans question
Just booted up a brand new DL380 G7 and noticed the fans going full blast. Eventually this machine will be moved to my datacenter, but for the time being I'd like to build/configure/etc in a staging...
View ArticleRe: Brand new DL380 G7 fans question
The DL380 G7 *should* lower the fan speeds after the BIOS posts, so if they're still running at full speed even after it starts up, it's a sign that something is too hot (or thinks it is) or maybe...
View ArticleRe: NC373i not seen in Network Configuration Utility
With the NCU and NIC drivers, if you update the NCU but don't update the drivers at the same time you will probably have issues. I don't know why HP does this, but the latest version of the NCU...
View ArticleRe: Installation Server 2012R2 failed on Proliant DL360 G7
You can just install directly from the Microsoft ISO then, and then run the HPSUM later to install the drivers. That's how I do it.If you really need to do it using the SPP disc, make sure you have the...
View ArticleRe: Integrated Lights Out 2 (ILO2) Drivers on a W2k8 x64 Server
Another good place to look for the ILO 2 drivers is on the DL380 G6 download page (not the G5). You can find 2008 R2 and 2012 drivers on there for the ILO 2, which aren't "supported" operating systems...
View ArticleRe: Implementing HP P200 G3 SAS MSA with 2nos HP DL380p Gen 8 servers
I have mine setup on a pair of DL360 G7 servers, but I *think* this would work on a Gen8 box.For us, we use the SC08e controller for the external SAS connections. Each of those has 2 ports, so one port...
View ArticleRe: Brand new DL380 G7 fans question
Hmm, yeah something appears to be a little off. Its a dual processor and I went through and seated/reseated all six fans and they seem to be working properly, the fans just never slow down. The temp...
View ArticleRe: Intelligent Provisioning 1.60 breaks 2008 R2 install (will not accept...
Thank you Giancarlo Zicchieri your solution solved my problem. Following your instructions on editing the autounattend.xml file for a dos prompt did the trick. I am interested on how you found...
View ArticleHow can i entry to ILO Configuration Options for HP Proliant ML10
I just buy new Server [HP ML10 E3-1220v2]When i powered on the Server. ILO Message is appeared like this picture...
View ArticleDL380e G8 + P420 - P420 crashing
Hello, i have new DL380e G8 with P420 1GB BBWC + 8xSATA RAID 10, running Debian Jessie. Problem - P420 is crashing under load after 3-5 days: P420 in slot2: Aug 14 06:51:26 zaloher smartd[2296]:...
View ArticleRe: How can i entry to ILO Configuration Options for HP Proliant ML10
Try to override the security by switching the dip switch 1:
View ArticleRe: Installation Server 2012R2 failed on Proliant DL360 G7
Hi, Right now, it turns out that Windows 2008R2 will not install either. Looks like a disk problem right now... We logged a case with HP support. Regards,Bart
View Articlecorrect driver for sc44ge / sc08 on ubuntu 12.04.5 lts
Hi i have a couple old G7 servers that we use for backup, we just switched from windows to linux on our G8 servers we have an H221 and that is working fine with the mpt2sas module, seeing the tape...
View ArticleRe: Problem with available RAM (ProLiant ML110 G7) Tech info for running > 16gb on ML110 G6 *and G7*
View ArticleRe: DL380e G8 + P420 - P420 crashing
Overtemperature will cause failure on the P420! it is very picky on thermal limits!Also I might suggest dropping the bus speed of the disks back to 3gbp/sec like the P410 - P420 will try to run at...
View ArticleRe: HP SUM: Login to hpsumserver failed.
We had this same error message but on a Linux server (RHEL6.2). For the benefit of anyone comes across this post while searching the same error, the problem in our case was that the server (hpsum was...
View ArticleRe: DL380e G8 + P420 - P420 crashing
We are using WD RED 4GB SATA disks 6Gbps. Dropping speed to 3Gbps is nonsense (i will test it, but for production - big NO) - thats why we bought P420s and not P410s.Server is 8LFF, so cooling down...
View ArticleRe: DL380e G8 + P420 - P420 crashing
I would not use non-hp drives in a productive server, guess what hp will tell you about your problem ...
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