Re: DL180 No Post / BMC Blinking, all leds Green
Thanks, the thing is I don't have a another processor those things are very expensive here in Venezuela, so far a have done what you tell me in this way: With the power cable on BMC is blinking, I...
View ArticleRe: DL180 No Post / BMC Blinking, all leds Green
Does it start if you remove the smart array card and the LAN cables?If it does, watch the voltage (aux 3.3V) from either BIOS or LO100 connection (ILO), does it decrease if you plug in the LAN cable?It...
View ArticleProLiant DL385 G7
Hi there, I need help on the following issue: Prolian server ProLiant DL385 G7 with vmware esxi 5.suddenly the machine has a reset. Attached the log. Thanks for the help best regards. Samuel Domb
View ArticleRe: iLo on DL160se G6 stops working..
I am assuming that when a motherboard is replaced that HP would make sure it had the latest BIOS and firmware updates.Or is that a stupid assumption? In any case, is there a way to update BIOS without...
View ArticleRe: ProLiant DL385 G7
Hi,is the server back online again without any visible issues?For those who don't want to open an .xlsx file on the Internet the errors in the file are first these two:473 Critical CPU 03/22/2014 23:44...
View ArticleRe: Disk Firmware on ProLiant BL460c G6
Hi,easiest/safest is to boot the server on HP's SPP: sure the firmwares you want to install are on the SPP, if they're not you can put the SPP on a USB and manually put the...
View ArticleRe: Disk Firmware on ProLiant BL460c G6
There are many ways to update the firmware. Booting from SPP will update all firmware available for the server. Running hpsum on the running OS (local or remote) will update the firmware online and all...
View ArticleRe: iLo on DL160se G6 stops working..
sigh..will say this again.HP conned us into buying these POS...Par for the course for HP sales reps...
View ArticleRe: DL380 G5 windows 7 professional installation
which generation of ML330 did you have a successful installation on?
View ArticleRe: After creating the second Array, windows doesen't boot anymore
You need select boot volume in Array Utility below is the Steps: 1: start the computer and wait till you see; "Press F8 to run option ROM configuration for Array utility" 2- Press F8, you will see the...
View ArticleRe: Adding capacity to ML330 G6
Hi, Yes, the controller out memory cache support up to two logical drivers, below Technical Specifications Technical SpecificationsDimensions (not including bracket) Low Profile PCIe Form Factor: 7.5...
View ArticleRe: Adding capacity to ML330 G6
Hi there, thanks for your help, I'm not a hardware man so reading the specs doesn't help me much, am I right in thinking I can physically add two drives into the vacant bays and run ACU to create a new...
View ArticleRe: Issues with a ML115 G5
The document below can help you. Basically enable the write cache option in controller setting can resolve this symptom....
View ArticleRe: Adding capacity to ML330 G6
Hello and thanks, how do I find out if I have the memory you mention 256mb is this on the RAID controller ?
View ArticleRe: Adding capacity to ML330 G6
Open ACU from windows and check the controller. You will see the cache size there.Reboot is not needed after inserting the disks. Just do this online.
View ArticleAbout QPI power state
hello Could somebody tell me which power state QPI enters while system is idle if QPI Power Management is enabled in RBSU? L0p or L1 ? If the answer is L0p, I wonder what kind of situation QPI will...
View ArticleRe: possible to use hpsum to upgrade firmware online with internal server...
You might look at the Software Delivery Repository (SDR). This link has a short section on mirroring the repository
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